Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Piku's birthday

In Pune there lived a sweet little girl named Piku. 

She was a playful little kid with beautiful black eyes,  the glitter in her eyes would bring smile on face of all She would come across. She loved to color her nails - Red, Pink & Purple. 

When She used to swing in the park the breeze of air would playfully blow through her long silky hairs tickling her; making her giggle. Seeing her laugh would bring joy in the eyes of her Mommy & Daddy.

She was 4 years old and for the last 4 months She had been waiting eagerly for her next birthday. Day-by-day She was getting closer to her 5th birthday, She used to plan daily on what She will do on her birthday, what dress She will wear and what gifts She will get.

This birthday She wanted a princess Elsa dress, her blonde hair, Peppa pig Mega blocks and a lot more gifts. She also started making friends whom She could invite on her Birthday.

Finally the day came. Unlike other days when her Mom & Dad had to bribe & lure her to wake up; today She woke up all on her own, brushed her teeth and rushed to her room where her birthday gifts were waiting for her; hidden behind the curtain. She pulled the curtain while her Mom & Dad waited at the door looking at her. Her mouth hung open in surprise to find her favorite princess Elsa dress, blonde hair & crown. She went jumping up & down and ran to hug & thank her parents.

The whole day went decorating the house & preparing food for her Birthday party. Her Mom prepared delicious Noodles, Chole bature & Kheer for her friends. While her dad decorated the house with balloons and colored papers.

Once sun went down Piku's  friends started coming in for the Birthday party and very soon the house was full with little tots. One-by-one her little friends would come forward and wish her happy birthday and Piku would say "Thanks" blushing every time. Next it was time for cake cutting. All the little eyes were glued to the Mickey mouse Birthday Cake placed nicely on a table with five candles on it. Piku blew the candles & cut the cake while the whole floor went singing "Happy Birthday to you".That was the happiest moment for Piku.

Once everyone went Home Piku couldn't resist any further but opened all the gifts one by one. There were so many of them; all in colourful wraps - Red, Pink, Yellow & Blue. She made plans for each one; arranged & stacked carefully in her room.

That night as She went to the bed She kept saying "Best day ever, Best day ever." 
Her parents kept smiling and thanking to God for everything.

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